Why Energy Follows Focus

Why Energy Follows Focus

Certain blessings in life are contagious. Love begets love. Laughter leads to more laughter. A smile is almost impossible to NOT return. It’s the same with where we put our concentration, our effort. As self-help genius Tony Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy...
Plan Your Breaks and Indulgences

Plan Your Breaks and Indulgences

Pursuing a goal can feel like riding an emotional rollercoaster. You’re up, you’re down… you’re flying too fast or you’re climbing up a hill so slowly you feel like you’ll never reach the top. I have learned to lessen that topsy-turvy nature of a journey by...
Fill Your Cup: How and Why

Fill Your Cup: How and Why

Did you ever wonder why some people seem to buzz with endless energy to give and give and give? Are they just super exceptional, unachievably high energy special people? Of course not! It’s more likely that they’ve taken a classic truism to heart. They’ve learned to...
I didn’t know other women were stressed like me

I didn’t know other women were stressed like me

Because no one talks about it!  Well it’s time to stop suffering in silence like I have. Let’s just normalize that shit right now. We will most certainly look back at this period of time in history as one that changed us as a collective.  No one escaped the impact of...
A woman is the sum of her actions

A woman is the sum of her actions

Have you ever been to a gathering, and a woman walks in the room who you’re drawn to? You don’t know anything about her, but her energy is so big and vibrant that it draws you in. It doesn’t matter what she looks like. You don’t notice her dress size, the color...