You’re sticking to the plan, exercising and eating right week after week. But, after some initial success, the results have stopped coming.

Sound familiar?

Well, you might be at a fitness plateau. But don’t worry. It’s a common bump in the road and one you can overcome with a mental approach (along with continuing to put in the effort).

As with so many efforts, sometimes it’s all about your mindset! So, remember these points.

  • It Happens. Everyone hits a point where things “stop working” for some strange reason. It’s OK. It’ll pass.
  • Review Your Progress. You might be amazed at how far you’ve come. It’s easy to forget that when results slow to a crawl.
  • Consider Your Ambitions. Do you need to make some adjustments? If you remember the Big Picture – your “WHY” for doing this in the first place – then it might be helpful to make sure the smaller, more tactical goals are still SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.
  • Enjoy the Process. Making adjustments to your plan doesn’t mean you’re failing. It means you’re paying attention! Results might be on “pause” for a reason. You might be working too hard or need to mix up your routine. It’s all good! Relish each learning opportunity.
  • Review Your Daily Habits. Has work been super-demanding lately? Have you not been sleeping enough? Too many cocktail parties on the calendar? Sometimes these things add up and hinder our results.
  • Have Fun with It! It’s OK to turn down the Intensity Notch sometimes. Think about “playing” instead of “exercising.” Jog with a dog, take a gym pal to lunch, and take it easy on yourself. (That’s allowed sometimes, you know!)

You can always talk to me about some of the physical ways to adjust your workout or eating plan. But with the right mindset, I know there’s no plateau you can’t overcome!