With winter coming up, we might as well admit it: There might be days when you’d rather stay home than go to the gym for your exercise.

But that doesn’t mean you get to blow off daily movement altogether. Instead, create an at-home space or routine for just such times.

Now, remember you’re building a backup, not a full-blown fitness studio to meet every need. So, choose your “must haves” and then work with the space you have.

6 things to consider when creating an at-home workout space:

  1. Assess the possibilities. Do you have a spare bedroom or space in the basement that’s not being used? Is there decent ventilation, temperature control, and privacy?
  2. What do you hope to be able to do? Maybe you just need a space to practice stretches and yoga poses. Maybe you’d like to lift weights or get in some cardio.
  3. What will you need? Depending on what you want to do, you can equip your home workout area with a mat, resistance bands, and maybe a treadmill or exercise bike.
  4. Avoid spending too much money right away until you’re comfortable with what you’ll need in the long term. No sense buying an expensive piece of equipment that you’re not going to actually use.
  5. Make the area clean, comfortable, safe – and pleasant to be in.
  6. Make it something you’ll want to do on those cold days – and something that will make you feel like you’ve had an effective workout, even if it’s less extensive than what you might get at the gym.

Think of your home workout space and routine as works in progress. You can add more later, change this, remove that, etc…

Use your imagination.

Use the knowledge you have about what you like to do.

And bring me any questions you might have about space, equipment, and routines. I want to keep you moving even on those days when you can’t venture out!